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What Our Authors Say

When I first began writing from home, I was leaving a career as a newspaper editor and wondering how I was going to make a living. Within days of leaving my job, I found Atlantic Publishing. Atlantic showed faith in my writing and gave me a chance to succeed as an author. Receiving a copy of the first book I wrote, The Complete Guide to Investing in Index Funds, was one of the most exciting days of my life!


Atlantic pays well, they are quick to respond, and they are very forgiving when you have to adjust a deadline. Of all the clients I have had through my company, Atlantic has always been the most reliable and the best.


It was great to see my first book published, and through Atlantic Publishing I now have a shelf devoted to my own books in my office. It is really amazing to see something you worked hard on in physical form. The writing process with Atlantic is great because they provide me with everything I need. They are always helpful with edits, and they offer comments and suggestions to help make the book better, and to make me a better writer.

Craig Baird

average rating is 3 out of 5

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