When you publish with Atlantic Publishing Group, your paperback and eBook will be available essentially everywhere that books are sold.

Amazon Kindle
Amazon is the world’s largest online retailer and the creator of the world’s best-selling eReader, the Kindle. Publish your eBook on Amazon’s Kindle Store and it will be available for purchase worldwide on Your eBook will be available for purchase on Kindle devices and Kindle apps for iPad, iPhone, PC, Mac, and Android-based devices.

Barnes & Noble
The NOOK is an eReader designed by Barnes & Noble – the world’s #1 bookseller. Publishing your eBook on Barnes & Noble’s eBookstore will make it available on, NOOK eBook Readers, and Barnes & Noble’s free NOOK eReading software for iPad, iPhone/iPod touch, Mac, Android, PC, etc.

Apple iBookstore
Apple’s iBookstore is one of the fastest growing eBook retailers in the world. By publishing your eBook on Apple’s iBookstore, it will be available for purchase worldwide on the world’s most popular tablet, the iPad. It will also be available on iTunes, the iPhone, and the iPod Touch.

Google Play
Google Play is Google’s eBookstore. By publishing your eBook on the Google Play Store, your eBook will be available worldwide for purchase from the Web and any Android device.

OverDrive is a leading full-service digital distributor of eBooks, audiobooks, and other digital content. Publishing on OverDrivewill make your eBook available to millions of end users globally through OverDrive’s network of online retailer partners and more than 15,000 libraries, schools, and colleges worldwide.

Kobo is a global eBook retailer that carries more than 2.5 million eBooks and has customers in more than 200 countries. Publishing your eBook on Kobo’s eBookstore will make it available worldwide on and all Kobo eReaders including the Kobo Touch, Kobo Wi-Fi, Kobo Vox and all Kobo Books apps for iPad, iPhone/iPod touch, Mac, Android, PC, etc.

Ingram Content Group is the world’s largest and most trusted distributor of physical and digital content. Ingram is the leader in helping content reach its destination anywhere in the world. Whether digital or physical content, Ingram delivers to mobile phones, tablets, online retailers, bookstores, libraries, schools and consumers across the globe.

Barnes & Noble
Barnes & Noble is the internet’s largest bookstore. Taking advantage of vast warehouses across the United States, they stock over 1 million titles for immediate delivery — that’s more titles than any other online bookseller.

Baker & Taylor
Baker & Taylor is a leading distributor of books, videos, and music products to libraries, institutions, and retailers. They ship more than 1 million unique products (SKUs) annually and also maintain one of the largest in-stock inventories of books, videos and music in the U.S. – about 385,000 titles in inventory and more than 1.5 million titles available for order.
Amazon is the world’s largest online retailer. Your book will be available to millions of customers on

Follett serves over half of the students in the United States and works with 80,000 schools as a leading provider of education technology, services and print, and digital content. We’re higher education’s largest campus retailer and a hub for school spirit and community. Operating in more than 940 local campus stores and over 1,300 virtual stores across the continent.

EBSCO is the leading provider of research databases, e-journals, magazine subscriptions, e-books and discovery service to libraries of all kinds. For more than 70 years, They have partnered with libraries to improve research with quality content and technology.

One of the nation's fastest-growing private companies. Distributing nearly a million digital titles from 400+ publishers. Providing digital materials to millions of students across thousands of campuses nationwide. They are the Nation’s most utilized Inclusive Access platform among independent bookstores and primary digital provider to all Follett-managed campus stores

Brodart caters its book efforts exclusively to libraries. They are large enough to supply products and services essential to everyday library life, but small enough to focus exclusively on the individuality of your library.

Copyright Clearance Center
Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) is a U.S. company based in Danvers, Massachusetts, that provides collective copyright licensing services for corporate and academic users of copyrighted materials.

The Vearsa Distribution platform is flexible, intuitive, and built from the ground up specifically for eBooks in collaboration with hundreds of publishers.

What started small, with a single discount store and the simple idea of selling more for less, has grown over the last 50 years into the largest retailer in the world. Each week, over 275 million customers and members visit our more than 11,300 stores under 58 banners in 27 countries and eCommerce websites. ntain one of the largest in-stock inventories of books, videos and music in the U.S. – about 385,000 titles in inventory and more than 1.5 million titles available for order.
3M Library Systems
3M Library Systems is committed to helping libraries thrive by providing cutting edge technologies including RFID, automated materials handling (AMH), self check and security solutions, as well as our latest innovation 3M Cloud Library, the fastest growing eBook Lending Service. Finding the technology solution that is right for each unique library, 3M’s promise is to deliver a long term partnership that is built to exceed expectationsaintain one of the largest in-stock inventories of books, videos and music in the U.S. – about 385,000 titles in inventory and more than 1.5 million titles available for order.